Our company is socially responsible in every aspect of our business and we often focus our resources with new initiatives in which we can have the most impact,
helping to create a bridge to employment for disadvantaged individuals through various workforce development programs around the world. We are also dedicated
to increasing awareness of, and opposition to, labor practices that exploit individuals, particularly those who are vulnerable
Our business has been built with a long term objective, encompassing all stakeholders. The shareholders have been encouraging the business to weave in
its fabric the thread of social accountability since its inception over 20 years. We perceive CSR as our responsibility towards contributing to society,
empowering individuals and enabling them to live a life of dignity. For us, strengthening the moral fabric of the society is also a duty which we wish to
include in our CSR activities. The CSR philosophy of is embedded in its commitment to all stakeholders, employees, customers, shareholders and society.
Our sustainable approach by practicing service to humanity has enabled us to continue fulfilling our commitment to be a socially responsible corporate citizen.
Our objective is to manage our business in a way which produces a positive impact on the economy, society and environment.
Our business is itself in alliances of social work because our object is to connecting people with jobs, which enables individuals to support themselves
and their families. Our training programs allow all of our permanent, contract and temporary employees to improve their skills and grow in their careers,
thereby improving their long-term career potential.
We impact the lives of thousands of people and their families each year in our daily business activities. Our special initiatives provide opportunities
for thousands of people by leveraging our world of work expertise in collaboration with both private and public partners.
OurVision & Mission
Taking CSR as a sustainable social initiative, we aim to align and integrate our resources with society’s developmental
needs towards creating a better tomorrow.
Approach toCSR
To attain our objective, vision and mission, a society in the name of Genius Foundation got established with the belief of Service to humanity.
In the short run our approach will be that CSR activities are being undertaken by the business in multiple ways:
- Independently
- Jointly with
- In partnership with external social bodies / NGOs
Going forward, in the long-run, the social activities will see more focus under the banner of Genius Foundation in working towards creation of value for
the society in a manner which will be sustainable, scalable and replicable.
Genius Foundation
Genius Foundation is a Society registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act, 1961 (W.B. Act XXVI of 1961 & W.B. Societies Registration Rules 1963)
and was established in the year 2016, created by Genius Consultants Limited. It is a philanthropic body working towards creating value and developing
building blocks for the nation with the belief of Service to Humanity. Objects for which this society was established are as under:
- To arrange and organized lectures, debates, discussions, seminars, workshops, trainings, excursions etc. for diffusion of knowledge;
- To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, magazines etc. without profit motive;
- To educate the backward class people;
- To alleviate the suffering of poor, distracted persons as may be deemed appropriate;
- To assist in generation of employability for the needy & poor persons;
- To engage and assist in such other philanthropic activity as any be deemed appropriate by the Governing Body of Society;
- To help to organize self-help group based programmes for the augmentation of livelihood opportunities of the people at the grass-root level
as being beneficial to the public or to a section of the public;
- To promote and encourage advancement of literacy, cultural, spiritual and scientific education;
- To help and assist the needy & poor persons of all communities for the progress in life;
- To work for the happiness of the down trodden needy people for their primary needs such as food, cloth, education and shelter etc.;
- To import and develop social awareness among the illiterate women and men by organizing awareness camps from time to time;
- To establish and maintain the basic and adult education centers to remove illiteracy;
- To collect, receive donations, subscription from different organization for the welfare activities of the people
- To do all such acts, deeds matters and things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the foregoing objects.
Since inception the Society has continuously pursued its objectives through promotion of education (academic, technical and moral). The Society has
been extending support to deserving students for preliminary as well as higher education, by paying their school fees, lodging charges, transportation,
stationary etc.. Through Foundation we are actively engaged in deliberating and practicing humble service to Humanity on a sustainable basis. The donations
received by the Foundation helps to sustain its various activities on short term and long – term basis.
Exclusion from CSR
The following activities shall not form a part of the CSR activities of the Company:
- The activities undertaken in the normal pursuance of the normal course of business of a Company;
- CSR activities/programs or activities that benefit only the employees of the Companies and their families;
- One-off events such as marathons/ awards/ charitable contribution/ advertisement/ sponsorships of TV programmes etc;
- Expenses incurred by companies for the fulfillment of any other Act/ Statute of regulations (such as Labour Laws, Land Acquisition Act, 2013,
Apprentice Act, 1961 etc;
- Any contribution directly/indirectly to political party or any funds directed towards political parties or political causes;
- Any CSR projects/programs or activities undertaken outside India.
CSR Committee
CSR Committee shall be formed as per the applicable laws and the committee shall be responsible for the implementation/monitoring and
review of this policy and various projects / activities undertaken under the policy
Monitoring and Reporting
The CSR Committee will be responsible for monitoring CSR activities and report to the Board from time to time. The CSR Committee has the powers to:
- Seek monitoring and implementation report from organizations receiving funds.
- Delegate a designated company official to co-ordinate with the organization receiving funds to inspect the activities undertaken
and ensure information in a timely manner.
Additionally, the Company may empower the members of the CSR Committee to spend such amount as they think appropriate for some other strategic CSR
contingencies that may arise during any financial year. The amount spent as above shall be put up for ratification of the committee at its next meeting
and shall report to the Board accordingly.
Disclosure & Reporting
The Annual Report of the Company include a section on CSR outlining the CSR Policy, CSR Committee, CSR initiatives undertaken by the Company,
the CSR spend during the financial year and other information as required by the prevailing law. Our Board of Directors, our Management and all of
our employees are being encouraged to internalize our CSR philosophy of going beyond profit seeking. We stand committed to all the necessary resources
required to meet the goals of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Reporting to Board - The Committee will report regularly to the Board following meetings of the Committee with respect to such
matters as are relevant to the Committee’s discharge of its responsibility.